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Free E-mail Accounts

This page provides a list of the different e-mail accounts you can obtain over the internet. There are three basic types listed here. They are:

  • Online(Web-based) Services- web-based email services enable you to retrieve email via a variety of web interfaces. You can read and write your mail in either a web browser or a telnet login.
    Be sure and check out the entries!
    • Advantages: Does not require an existing email acount; many online(web-based) email providers offer additional features, such as address books.
    • Disadvantages: You will need to log into the website to check your mail. Usually slower and less user-friendly than a good stand-alone mail program.

  • Forwarding Services - redirect mail from your new email account to your regular mail account. This type of service often offers the widest selection of domain names.
    Be sure and check out the entries!
    • Advantages: Minimum effort, minimum setup. Fully transparent operation.
    • Disadvantages: Requires existing mail account; several free email forwarding services are heavy-handed when it comes to sending you promotional email.

  • POP3 Services - email service that stores your email on a server, and enables you to connect at any time to download the mail into your favorite email program.
    Be sure and check out the entries!
    • Advantages: Most versatile of the various email systems available; can do anything your normal email can.
    • Disadvantages: Need to check another POP account; some services are very restrictive on the amount of disk space available for storing email.

    The sites listed on these pages are as accurate as possible.

    Do you know a site that offers free e-mail accounts? If it is not listed here, please fill in the form below so it can be added to this site.

    Submit a new free email account

    Your full name:
    Your email address: (e.g.: you@aol.com)
    Your site URL: http://

    Choose the type of free email account you are submitting to add to this site. Don't forget to name the new site in the text box below!   Not sure New online(web-based) account New forwarding account   New pop3 account New account offers combination of two or more services

    List any new free email accounts here so they may be added to the lists. If you don't give the name, I can't add it to the lists!

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    September 6, 1998
    Thanks CandeeKis

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    Last updated: May 2, 2002.