- I'm creating this page to share my ideas with others. Do
you like Pascal?
- Start your navigation of the computer from the tray! Download free TrayMenu 1.3.2 (69KB) (for more reliable file
transfer, download form here).
You can access your favorite shortcuts from the tray. You can organize shortcuts in menus.
You can navigate folders through cascaded menus. You can even add "My Computer"
and "Desktop" shortcuts to the tray and explore your entire computer through the
cascaded menus popped up by the tray icons. For better playing of this toy, please read
the help file carefully. "How to take the advantages of the features is your
imagination." - a line by the author.
- When you have used XCOPY to copy a directory structure to
another location (for instance backing up data to a removable disk, a CDR disk etc.), you
may want to verify that the data copied are identical to their original. XCOMP (a Win32
console program) can do it for you, the name tells you everything. Download
free XCOMP with source code (in Delphi 2.0).
Multimedia Xplorer is an all in one graphics viewer, you probably
won't need other viewers once you get this one. Visit my friend's Moon Software home page to get it.
Lockergnomes Free E-Zines, with a readership
of over 36,000 users (and growing) informs people of breaking computer-related news, new
and cool applications, and interesting tips and tricks regarding Windows 95/NT.