Welcome to Hexlord's Quake 2 Home Page
Where updates and more are always around the corner!

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-Stuff on my site-

 LINKS            MY MAPS            OTHER QUAKE2 FILES


You are welcome to email me with any suggestions for my homepage, or any questions for the wickedest game- Quake2

Planet Quake 
The Quake-C Archives + Quake2 Filez also 
Means of Destruction - (Home of the Quake Railgun) 
Idsoftware, The Home of Quake2 
Quake2.Com, the latest info and files for Quake2 
Qoole, The home page of the best level editor around, QOOLE  

My Quake2 Maps

These zipped files have their own text file to help with the installation and running of the levels.
I don't give a damn about what the hell you do with 'em, just keep the
text files intact, and unchanged if you give them to someone else.

-The Stargate-
Only a quick demo of the initiation of the Stargate from the original movie and new series.
I will me making a level to come after this, called The Sands of the Gould.

-Dish Activation-
A simple map showing how you can use the satellite dish.

Another simple map showing what you can do with lasers.

-The Rocket Launch-
This took alot of time to make, even though it seems very short.
You can figure what it's about.

Other maps will be added soon so bookmark this page, or put it as
the startup page, (if you're that desperate), or just visit regularly.

Quake2 Files

-The Quake2 Upgrade Patch-
Upgrades your version of Quake2 to the new v3.14
Backup the files that it will replace to insure that you don't stuff the game up if it doesn't work.

-Compiling Utils-
These utilities will compile a map from the MAP file, (that you create in your level editor), into a BSP file that you can play on Quake2.


Try to figure out what songs these are.

Click n' Play 2 hear some cool music.


  • ©1998hexlord_x@hotmail.com

    My URL: http://surf.to/hexlord

    I got it for free at http://come.to


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