Mike Ma's Home

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 Hi there,
        Thanks for visiting my home page.
        I'm a Chinese young man. I got both my Bachelor and Master degree of Computer Science in Jilin University of Jilin Province , P.R.China. I'm working in a U.S.A. company in New Jersey right now.
        As a programmer for about 4 years, I do want to share something with you.
        Here are some small tools I developed to improve software development. If you are a real programmer, you will like them.
 Free Memory for Windows95 Display current free virtual memory in your system. If you are a C or C++ programmer, you will always be bothered by losing memory. By this program you can easily detect any memory change in your whole system. So that when you run your application, you can find if any unwanted memory lost occurred. 
Free Memory for Windows 3.1 Has same function with the Windows95 version. Actually this is the earliest version of Free Memory. It works good under Windows 3.1, but if you run it on Window95, it can not display a correct information. 
Restart Windows for Windows95 Boring on Windows95's shut down interface? By this program, you can restart Windows, reboot system or shutdown system by only one click. And it works much faster than Windows95 does. This program works on Windows 3.1, too. 
 Line Count Want to know how many lines of code you can write in a sleepless night? Run this program. It will make you feel proud of your productivity. 
Set Time Before release a new version of your software, you may want to set all files in your distribution disk to a unique time. This program can do it for you. 

        Thanks to GEO Cities, I can have a chance to setup my own home page. This is the first time I deal with internet design and programming, I wish you guys can give me more advise.

 If you have comments or suggestions, email me at mikema@geocities.com
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