Ben Clifford's Flotsamfest

I moved to university a few years ago. Visit my more up to date pages at


I write bits of software for my Psion 3a and for dass, my linux box. I am also involved in the Scout Association, as a helper with the 1st Merrow scout troop, and as a Venture Scout as 1st Merrow VSU.

Having not done as well in my A-levels as I would have liked, I didn't get into my first choice university (Imperial College), and am now studying Mathematics with Computer Science at Queen Mary and Westfield College in East London.

Some would call me a goth. I wouldn't. Although I wear primarily black clothing, I do not have the leather or body piercing to be a one.

I got into the online world via BBSes, first BasOpus in Basingstoke and then DoNoR/2 in Woking, where I was a point. Both of these were Fidonet boards. DoNoR then started providing e-mail and usenet, which is how I got into the internet. Eventually, I got a dial-up PPP account with Prestel whom I am with at this time.

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