Pyros's Pages – Main




Freeware Games

Paper Airplanes

PC Keyboard Drums

SI Stereogram Maker



Email Pyros


Words from Pyros

Learning from my old errors, I'm now updating my page after almost a year, since I don't want my web-pages to be deleted completely. I hope it works, as many people still visit this place.

After geocities removed my pages completely, now they’ve returned. I’ve removed some of the pages, such that help Q-Basic games and Counter Strike contents.

Geocities really limits the bandwidth of the site, so I had to set PyroPaddles II, Pyros's Mobile Miners and Space-82 3D download links to game archive sites, instead of linking to files on my web-page space. I hope this will help stopping the page-blocking that take affect all the time.
If you're one of the archives owners and wish that I'd stop linking to your site, just send me an E-Mail about it. I didn't link directly to the zip files, but to the pages that describe the games, so people could browse on into your sites. Thank you for storing the games online.

If you know a web-page that SHOULD have a link to my pages, but doesn't have, tell me about it.

Short contents descriptions

Freeware Games - original gaming concepts rest there, and tons of fun too... Screenshots, descriptions, and downloads.

Paper Airplanes - Learn how to make and fly four paper airplanes. Making the planes requires folding only, instructions are accompanied with illustrations.

PC Keyboard Drums - Get this drumming software to play your keyboard like a real drum set!
SI Steregrams Maker You know those pictures you have to cross your eyes the other way around to see some 3d thing inside a tiled image? Well, this program generates those.
Links - Hmmmm, now lets guess what's in here, shall we?