Hi I'm whistler13. (Sorry for the Name .. in the MUDs i'm known as Whistler)
I signed up on 09/07/97 08:09:41, but have not (really) moved in yet.
My interests are:
Music, Volleyball, Swiming.
The description of my page is:
Year 2000
Anim/Insurance Links
Email me at matrixzero@hotmail.com in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.
(Middle of September it should be ready for you.)
Sorry actually everything is only for testing ! In the past i saw many pages with many different notes and messages. But nowhere I found something which meets my interests in connection with work.
So I decided to build a own page, where I want to build special areas for my different work-areas. (Informations special for germans (cause they are not so experienced in www) ~8) )
(Note: this links are my first ideas .. don't expect that they are ready tomorrow 8( ) and I made them by hand !!
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