The YM2149 Lovers page

last update: 7th september
New since last changes: 117 tunes made by David Whittaker on the Atari ST.

The YM2149 is used in many computers (Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, ZX Spectrum...), consoles & arcade boards.
This page is a tribute to the musics made on this soundchip. All YM files available here were made by me on PC. The files contains information (author & music names) as acurate as possible.

If you want to hear the tunes, you must download the incredible STsound player, created by Arnaud Carré.
Together with plenty of other YM files, you should download the player. Others interesting pages: The ST Sound Pleasuredome - PaCifiST ST Emulator homepage.

This page is very short yet, but I have more than 400 YM files (ST and CPC) in editing progress. Please mail me if you have rare tunes collections.

Download archives of .YM from the Atari ST: (195 tunes)

Be patient, that's all for now.