Welcome to my homepage!!!

It's quite a while now that this page has been under construction, and honestly it still is. I just thought that perhaps I should open one lane and let you have a peek behind the walls. Some pages are recycled from my older site and might therefore not completely be up-to-date. These are marked with recyled from older page in the upper right corner.
2002-02-24: I just uploaded a new version of my webpage. There will be a number of broken links I haven't found yet, please be patient with me...
2005-10-23: Time it was to do something. I added the books I have read - mostly since I started working at Uppsala university in autumn 2003 - as a new category. Perhaps someone will read my reviews...
Welcome in, you 'll find a variety of topics on my homepage:
About me
Books I've read
My photography
Navy ships
Raytracing with PovRay
Test your web browser
A kitchen and cooking page?
Links to other places
The old pages

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 in all newer parts
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Responsible for these pages: U. Zimmermann