02-25-04: Cough! Cough! I gotta blow the dust off this site!!! Nothing new for 2 years! I have been working hard on new things, but I was a little side tracked when circumstances caused me to be incommunicado for almost a year! hopefully I can get the site updated and running with some more modern day projects!02-08-02 News: Just a small update today. I have updated the 3d gallery to include a couple of new projects, namely the Library lobby and a dreamt up creature modeled for one of my friends. Good news as well! The Starship Troopers Mod site is back uo! Go have a peek at http://www.zeroping.com/starshiptroopers. You can get there through the links button. in the meantime, enjoy the update! -AB-

02-04-02 News: Well another new year has come and gone and finally we see some updates on this site! Many projects have been cookin along, including the Starshiptroopers mod for Halflife. Go check it out at www.zeroping.com/starshiptroopers.
              In the way of updates we have a slew of new pictures in the 3d gallery, as well as a format change in how its going to be presented, which will be coming in the next update. Anyway, snoop around, Im sure you will like the new stuff.   -AB-
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