As the snake charmer plays in the background and the animated Ruby Scarab starts to twinkle, you'll find links to a triangle calculator written in JavaScript that can make checking trigonometry homework a breeze, a link to a hypnotic spinning spiral disk that just might help you to relax and get some sleep, and a page that plays a midi composition titled Rondo in C.

     The triangle calculator is written in JavaScript and can solve triangles of all shapes and sizes. The software is still in the beta stage of development -- use it at your own risk! The triangle calculator is much faster than solving triangles using an ordinary calculator, and it's great for a quick check of trigonometry homework that involves solving triangles. And, the triangle calculator can solve any plane triangle, not just ones with right angles.

     The sleep link is based on a large animated graphic file of a spinning spiral disk, like the ones hypnotists use in B movies. While you're waiting for it to load, you'll be treated to a dreamy musical composition, and if you don't fall asleep too soon, you'll get to see the large red spinning spiral. It may not actually hypnotize anyone without a hypnotist giving hypnotic suggestions, but it can help make you sleepy, if that's what you want.

     "Rondo in C" was a music theory assignment, to write a piece in a classical style. In a rondo, there is a main theme that keeps returning, perhaps three or four times, interspersed with other themes. So, the pattern would be something like A, B, A, C, A, D, A, where A is the main theme.

This way to Rondo in C.

No thanks, I'd rather go to sleep.

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