Psion Infrared Communications Software

Revo(aka Mako) - 3c - Siena - Series 5

By Jim Pollock

Last updatedMar 3, 2002

Revo -- 3c -- Siena -- Series 5

Psion Free Downloads
Steve Litchfield's Home Page, Software Links
JetEye, Tekram IR-210B

RegNet Order Status:

Order number 463823 and lower have been sent out.


Mar 3,2002

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Planned Improvements:

Psion Infrared Remote Control Programs

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Download IRBACKUP v1.0 and IRESTORE v1.0

Backup and restore all your Siena/3c files to/from your PC using the Infrared port. The date and time of the original file is preserved as well as the relative subdirectory structure. Requires loading two 5KB OPA files to your Psion which can be done using the PSION's built in Infrared Receive function. Transfers protected by CRC and block sequence numbers. Backup a single file, groups of files, or selected subdirectories using wildcards. Only new files are transferred. History of backup written to log file. Warns user if other applications are active which could lock files from being backed-up. DOS only version.

Restore missing, newer, or all files. Restore only one subdirectory or file type.

Click here to download shareware v1.0 (IBCKRSTR.ZIP (78,299 bytes)

RegNet LogoTo register IRBACKUP/IRESTORE online click here for 3c or click here for Siena

IRBACKUP has been reported to work on the following systems:

Download IRSEND5 v0.5

Transfer files from your Siena/3c to the new Series 5. This program teaches your 3c/Siena to "speak" the new Series 5 Infrared protocol. The program can also convert OPL and OPP files into the new Series 5 OPL file format allowing you to just tap on the file to bring up the OPL editor. If you have a PC with an Infrared link you can use the included Loader program to transfer the irsend5.opa file from your PC to the 3c/Siena over the Infrared Link. Otherwise you can use PsiWin 1.1 or 2.0 to load the opa file.

Once the 10KB opa file is loaded onto your 3c/Siena you run it to select the file to transfer and the conversion method to use (only OPL/OPP currently supported). On the Series 5 you go to the folder that will receive the file and activate the Infrared Receive function.

You can use this program to transfer your data files by first exporting them in delimited text format, sending them over with no conversion, and then importing them into the Series 5 Data application. Be sure to first setup the labels for your record format before you import the data. Labels are NOT exported with your data.

Click here to download the shareware version. IRSEND5.ZIP (v0.5) (33,421 bytes)

RegNet LogoTo register the IRSEND5 package online click here

Download PDIR v0.9c

View your Psion's directories and files on your PC screen in one of three formats (file name,size,date,time-file name total bytes uses-file name only). Intended to be used with IRCOPY to assist in determining which files to transfer. First released program to make use of the new irNFS server code which will be the main building block for future file based programs (ie iRestore).

The irNFS server code is loaded onto your Psion using PDIR's built-in capability to talk native Psion IR protocol. Just type "PDIR send" and activate the Infrared Receive function on your Psion to automatically transfer the irNFS.opa code into the /APP directory. All you need to do then is press PSION-I to install the ICON and run it.

The irNFS code version 0.3 and higher now have a new security feature that can be used together with your power-on password to prevent access to your Psion through the IR port. You can instruct irNFS to only function if it is in the foreground. In this mode the serial link is actually shutdown when not in foreground mode and the IR link can be used by other programs. This version also uses a minimum of system memory and Psion cpu resource while supporting baud rates from 9600 all the way up to 115200 baud. The user can also customize the display output to match his/her country norms for date,time, and numbers.

Click here to download PDIR.ZIP (35,521 bytes)

RegNet LogoTo register PDIR online click here

Download IRCOPY v0.5b

Copy text or binary files between your PC and your Siena/3c. This new version supports wildcard characters so groups or entire subdirectories can be copied. File size is limited to 2KB in this unregistered version. Be sure the latest irNFS server is running on your Psion. If you have the latest version of PDIR running then you already have the latest irNFS.opa code.

Click here to download IRCOPY.ZIP (32,566 bytes)

RegNet LogoTo register IRCOPY online click here for 3c or click here for Siena

Download IRSAVE v0.4b

Transfer files from your Siena/3c to a PC using the native Psion Infrared Send function. No need for any extra program or driver on your Psion. This DOS program mimics the Psion native IR protocol to look like another Psion to your Psion. Works best with built-in IR ports (IR logic that has direct access to the baud rate clock from UART). Now supports Adaptec AIRport 1000/2000, Actisys IR220L, Jeteye, Redeye, and Tekram IR-210B external IR units and the Temic TOIM3232 IR chip.

Click here to download IRSAVE.ZIP (23,280 bytes)

Download IRSEND v0.5b

Now supports Siena, 3c, and the new Series 5 Infrared protocols. Program automatically detects which Psion you have and uses the appropriate protocol. Transfer files from your PC to your Siena/3c/Series 5 using the native Psion IR Receive function. No need for any extra program or driver on your Psion like IRCOPY needs. This DOS program mimics the Psion native IR protocol (Siena/3c or Series 5) to look like another Psion to your Psion. Works best with built-in IR ports (IR logic that has direct access to the baud rate clock from UART). Now supports Adaptec AIRport 1000/2000, Actisys IR220L, Jeteye, Redeye, and Tekram IR-210B external IR units and the Temic TOIM3232 IR chip.

Click here to download IRSEND.ZIP (26,412 bytes)

RegNet LogoTo register the IRSAVE & IRSEND package online click here for 3c or click here for Siena


OPL Programs

(I have had many questions about how to get these programs to work on the Series 5. Unfortunately Psion decided to drop support for direct OPL control of the IR port from the Series 5 ROM. So "tty:i" is no longer a valid port. However, for the 5mx Psion seems to have put back partial IR control. If you change tty:i to tty:b the below OPL programs should work. Thanks to Nicklas Larsson for discovering this trick. The trick only works for reading data from the IR port. There does not appear to be any way to send data out using just OPL on the 5mx or 5.)

Here are a couple of simple OPL programs you can use to see if your 3c/Siena is seeing any Infrared transmissions. The first program just dumps any bytes it sees to the screen in hexadecimal. It will even detect Infrared from your TV/VCR remote control. The second program is a little smarter and looks for the IRDA Start (0xC0) and End (0xC1) characters to control dumping data to the screen. You abort each program by pressing Psion+Esc.

The baud rate is set to 9600 for both programs. Change the "13" after "font" to 9,10,11,or 12 for larger and larger fonts (i.e. "font 11,1" gives character that are 13 pixels). See the Psion Programming Manual Appendic C for details about changing the baud rate or other serial properites.

Note these programs are not of much use in displaying an IR Remote's pulse stream. IR Remotes use bursts of IR Signals. When the burst is off the Psion sees nothing and nothing is written to the screen. You need to know how long the beam is on and how long the beam is off. All you see on the screen are characters when the beam is on. The actual characters are meaningless.

Dump raw Infrared bytes to the Psion Screen

PROC irdumpr:
        local s&(6),a%
        font 13,1
        lopen "tty:i"  REM For 5mx change to tty:b
          print right$("0"+hex$(a%),2),
        until 0

Dump IRDA Frames to the Psion Screen

PROC irdump:
        local s&(6),a%
        font 13,1
        lopen "tty:i"  REM For 5mx change to tty:b
        until a%=$C0
|       PRINT "<";
|       do
|         print right$("0"+hex$(a%),2),
|         ioread(-1,addr(a%),1)
|       until a%="$C1"
|       PRINT "C1>";
        goto loop

Psion Programming Reference. The entire OPL reference manual on-line. Information on Infrared Protocol Go direct to download specifications page.

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