If you're looking for QuickBASIC programming, anime, or computer graphics, you've come to the right place! My name is Alan King, an eleventh grade high school student, and my page is dedicated to these simple pleasures that I enjoy.

First off, there's programming. I started programming in QuickBASIC less than ten months ago, and I seem to be pretty good at it (humility is, after all, my greatest asset). For example, the background and title of the programming page were created with my feature program, APlasma V 7.1. This thing started as a school project, and has developed from there. Also featured on my programming page is Fractst 3.1, an incredibly cool fractal program! You really need a Pentium to run it, though.For more info on programming and some samples of my programs, click here.

Second, there's anime. This stuff is great! Ever since my friend Taylor hooked me in to this, I have not looked back. My personal favorite is Ranma 1/2. Click here to see my anime page!

This page is still being built, so at the moment, I only have the programming page and part of the anime page set up. Hopefully, it will be finished soon! I would appreciate any comments! Contact me at a_king@geocities.com .

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