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Dmitri O. Kondratiev Current and Past Projects
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Amorphus Computing, Wireless Sensor Networks, Tiny Virtual Machines, Multi Agent Systems, Simulation Modeling, Discrete Event Simulation, Emulation, Deictic Representation, Swarm, Distributed Objects, Meta Object Protocol, Functional Programming, Domain Specific Languages, Knowledge Representation, Onotology, Frameworks, Active Network Router, Reliable Multicust, Real-time OS, Exokernel

Curriculum Vitae, Industry Resume - last update: May 2007
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What I think about DIFF - Distributed Interactive Functional Fiction

My recent works


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) - simulation modeling, emulation, DSLs & virtual machines for WSN node (mote).


Simple Agents (simpags) is my research at Luxoft R&D on defining formal computational properties of an agent. Computational agent properties are required for a wide range of agent-based models to be used in various problem domains. This work attempts to define the core set of agent / environment features and investigate the possibility to realize them with elementary building blocks that agents can be built from. Proposed core agent architecture should allow building agent federations according to different decomposition principles from simple agents. Minimal set of agent features can be used across various domains to construct agents of arbitrary complexity and intelligence. With this set of features defined, spezialized agent programming / modeling languages can be developed next.

SIMPAG MABS is a multi-agent based simulation framework that I developed in Java to explore simple agent properties. I also developed CogSpace simulation environment to research and experiment with simple agents in 2D grid world.

Adaptive collaborative intelligent network system (US Patent Issued on January 28, 2003) -- Awit Space -- a multi agent system (MAS) and living/evolving system for active knowledge representation and exchange on the Internet. In the context of this document, an agent is a software component that acts as a client's representative or set of application/domain components, and/or system service and with authority from the client to interact in multiple active knowledge spaces distributed on the Internet according to some problem domain. An Awit Space provides a collaborative environment for its agents, referred to as Awits, and supports secure distributed application model with public key encryption and authentication. An Awit Space is a distributed programming architecture with persistent state and support for agent mobility.

Awit Space provides a virtual rational machine for distributed knowledge processing that supports both mobile data, such as concepts (facts, constraints and rules), and mobile code, expressed in ASpeak, that Awits use as a knowledge representation and agent communication language.


My papers on Active Net (AN) technology design and development for next generation internet router. This work includes ARM (Active Reliable Multicast) protocol family and virtual machine for AN router.

1997, 1998

Java Lab

My hp zt1195 notebook

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