New! Improved! Actually readable!

Well, it finally happened. I actually got the time one Sunday afternoon to update this page, after about a year of the same old stuff. My hobbies have changed, so my site changed with it... I'm still an MIDI composer, but NOW I've graduated from calculator programming to actual computer stuff: DOS C++, Java and JavaScript, stuff of that nature. And, I'm posting it here for all to see! I've got new MIDI's, "screen savers", an ASCII (text) -based video poker program, and a hotline for all you beginning programmers who need a tip on how to write that next line of code.


K.O.'s JavaCards!!!!

Click on the cards to flip them over, and again to flip em back... Don't worry, that's not all: KO's JavaCasino will have a ton of games that pit you against yourself or the computer. Check back soon, cause the first one is going up in just a little while!

Send all your stuff by E-mail using my feedback page. Sign my guestbook here, too!

This Page Is Always:

July 5, 1998: New structure, new pages, new stuff to download and see. Just look around! The main improvement in my page is the structure. I've now got the subdirectories I need to make future upgrades less of a pain.

July 6, 1998: A great day, even though as I'm writing this, it's 12:30 in the morning. I've written, encoded, and debugged my new NavBlock navigation JavaScript applet. Just click on one of the areas, and it'll take you from anywhere to anywhere on my site. Try it out! It's on every page, or will be when I'm done...

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[My TI calculator page] [My Miscellaneous page]
[My Q&A Page for programming Q's] [My MIDI page - NEW STUFF!]


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This page was last updated on July 05, 1998 using COREL WordPerfect Suite 7.

Copyright © MCMXCVIII by Keith Shannon, Austin, TX. Use of any content on any page on this site is a violation of copyright.