Our Beautiful Autistic Son

Billy Ray

This is our autistic son, Billy Ray and he is very special to us. He is 27 years old. Billy went into autism when he was 10 months old. He is mostly nonverbal. He can say a few words and he uses some sign language. He also uses gestures to communicate with. He is fasinated with electricity. When he was 5 years old he took a wall plug out of the wall in his bedroom. The wire came lose and crossed over and touched the screwdriver that he had in his hand and all the lights went out of the house. This started his fasination with electricity. He is also fasinated with fans of all types. He loves portable fans, ceiling fans and anything that has fan blades in them. If we don't watch him close enough he will tear applances down, just to take the little fans out of them. Some times even when we are watching close. LOL

Billy is back home with us and doing great!

Pictures of Billy
Autism/PDD Resources Network
Wrong Planet Syndrome
Son Rise Message Board