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Welcome to the newest revision of my webpage. For those of you who know my page already, I know, I know, its been a LOOOONG time, and I promised I would finish the last update. Well, this time I'm not promising anything. I'm just posting something new up here that many of you might find interesting. At least I hope you do! Anyways, enough of me -- Here's

This is a demo of the latest stuff I've been working on. At the moment of this writing (2000-09-17) I've been working on it for just under three weeks. Sorry, no code this time. Level 1 is the only one that works, the others just wont do anything.

Download Zeus Technology Demo 001 Here (1.23mb)

This is an updated executable for those of you who got an assertion on line(72) of zFont.cpp Its an executable only so you still need the above release.

Download Zeus Executable Patch Here (155kb)

Finally, here's some source for all you code junkies.. no OpenGL stuff, but quite a nice math library and a couple of utilities. Not really any documentation, but real coders dont need documented source! j/k!

Download Zeus Libraries Release 1 Here (110kb)

Here is ZeusMath release 2. It's almost completely rewritten and now is in C instead of C++. This release doesnt contain everthing that was in the first release but it has really nice 2D and 3D vectors as well as great Matrix routines.

Download Zeus Math Libraries Release 2 Here (8kb)

I gotta thank a couple of people for helping make this thing.

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