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Close Combat
Campaign Viewer

Java examples

Stop Junk Email Logo

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Hi There!

This page is intended as a repository for
samples of my HTML pages, CGI Scripts and java applets.
Feel free to browse.
Blue Ruler

Close Combat Campaign Viewer
Download the Close Combat Campaign viewer for Win95 systems.

Blue Ruler

Java Applets
Appointment Reminder Applet
This applet implements an Appointment Reminder which allows you to be warned about upcoming appointments. There are many appointment reminders out there, so why use this one? Well, have you ever been out of your office when those other reminders have tried to alert you to the meeting that you are missing? One 'ding' and thats it for an alert! The advantage of this applet is that it will keep barking at you until you close the alert dialog box. So check it out, and let me know what you think!
Blue Ruler

Visitor number:
Since 1/97

Best experienced
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Click here to start.

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Copyright © 1997 John Thibeault
Created using  WebEdit Bug Eyed Earl of Red Meat