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Hello! I am very glad to see you at my home page. First of all, excuse me for my English, it is not too good. I am a post-graduate student in a faculty of computer sciences in Kharkiv Technical University of Radioelectronics (Scientific and Teaching Laboratory of Knowledge Acquisition). My main specialty is research and development of program tools for modeling of complicate natural subjective environments (such as disasters prediction in industry or business process reengineering), and application of such tools in education, complex information processing systems, automated decision making, etc. The other (but very important) direction of my work is investigation of human's Information processing methods (using facts from psychology, theory of information, philosophy, esoteric and other sources) for purpose of new automated systems development. I and my colleagues are interested in collaboration in these (and others) areas. For more information, e-mail to our laboratory post box: Our Web site will be available soon... My personal fields of interests are:Computer Sciences and Software: 1 Developing in Visual C++ 2 Object-oriented modeling 3 CASE technology High School Education: 1 Theory and practice of software 2 AI, knowledge-based systems, automated decision making 3 Applications of (1) and (2) in business (BPR) and industry (Expert systems) Hobbies, etc.: Literature: Science fiction, ... And much, much more ... |
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