Mark Lang's Home Page

Welcome to my home page.  The purpose of this page is to distribute development, management, and productivity software and information on the Oracle8i/Java2 platform that I have developed to other IT professionals.

Last updated: 27-May-2000

You are the   visitor since Feb 01, 1998.
Oracle8i SQL

Currently, you can download my SQL scripts libraries for Oracle7 and 8.  It contains 270+ SQL scripts for use by Oracle DBA's and developers.  Check the README below to see what its all about. 

Download 7.3 SQL Library  (Rel. 23-Mar-1998, Windows ZIP file, 190k)

View 7.3 SQL Library README  (Rel. 23-Mar-1998)
Oracle8i PL/SQL

This package contains the UPDATE_TABLE procedure that can be used to copy synchronize, update, or compare data from one table to another.   The procedure is completely dynamic, can update existing rows if changed, can work with tables whose structures are not identical and/or are in remote databases, supports commit points and setting rollbacks, and much more.  There are over 40 parameters and flags that the user can set an runtime to customize its behavior.   You will find this tool endlessly useful.   This package requires Oracle 7.3,8.0 or greater.

UPDTAB package (7.3/8.0)  (Rel. 23-Mar-98, Windows ZIP File, 45k)

View UPDTAB package README  (Rel. 23-Mar-98)

Here are some quick links to download the Java Development Kit and JDBC Drivers (from Sun and Oracle respectively) to get you started with using Java with Oracle (Note: all this software is freely available).

Sun's Java JDK and various API's for Win95/NT and Unix

Oracle's JDBC Drivers for Win95/NT and Unix (at Oracle Technology Network)

These links should get you started to finding the abundance of information about Oracle on the Internet.

Oracle Corporation

Oracle Technology Network

International Oracle User's Group

Comprehensive Index of Oracle Sites to Visit

You can email me at  (I would love to hear any suggestions or comments).

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