Head Hunters and Employers: If you just came around to check out my resume, It's Right Here.
I put up a web page on Emulation as it's been one of my hobbies for a while now. Great stuff too and people out there have been so creative as far as their own take on how to make the perfect arcade experience (this is a work in progress). Check it out right here.
My pictures page has some more new stuff on it (you gotta see the kittens). Go check em out. And yes, the Pictures from Hawaii are here... So again, go check out the Pictures.
If you still haven't played Taliban Twister, you're missing out on one of the funnest games out on the web today. AK-47 to Blue everyone... Give it a shot here.
Here's another stupid flash movie for anyone with too much time on their hands. For this inspired bit of lunacy (and anyone who ever wondered what lobster was made out of), LOBSTER MAGNET!!!! And if you would like to see some older stuff here that I got a laugh out of once or twice... Stick Figure Fighting at it's Best!!! Lastly, there's Hyakyugojuichi.
I'm sure this is a non-issue to most, but this web page used to be an MCSE resource for certification and education. The MCSE page is left intact but this is the starting point all my stuff now. It's a little informal, but why do you care? You can still visit the old MCSE page by heading over to This Link.
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Oh, and Fry's Electronics really sucks.
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