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Welcome to the home of KST!

KST stands for *KORG Style Toolkit, a piece of software designed to manipulate styles on the KORG i30 arranging keyboard, the absolute best keyboard of it's type currently available.

I designed KST to make working with styles easier, among other things, KST also allows the conversion of KORG i3 styles to KORG i30 format, you can read about this and other cool bit's on the features page.

Unfortunately I have decided to make KST shareware, it never started as a project to generate revenue but it has grown to be a piece of software with the sort of quality you would expect from a commercial product. I have decided upon, what I believe, a reasonable price. This is a one-off payment that will entitle registered users to any free updates, no matter what I add as features or what version KST gets to (currently 1.3 build 89). I will also listen to registered users suggestions and attempt to implement them if at all possible.

Of course, you can try KST for yourself by downloading the demo in the downloads section, alternatively you can just download the help file if you wish.

Please, browse around the site, take a look at the screenshots. I sincerely hope I have done the KORG i30 justice with KST, and you the end-user, will find it as useful as I do.

Thanks for stopping by,


Email: Robert Gilmour

This page was last updated on 29/03/99

*KORG is a registered trademark of KORG Japan Inc.