Downloadpage for Mysund Scripts
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New version 1.00.1

Mysund_MDI Ver. 1.00.1 for win95/NT:
A MDI like you see it in Win95/NT Its easy and extensible. The demonstration test.tcl in this package will show you how to use Mysund_MDI This second release is made for Tcl/Tk 8.1
It works with verry little modification on UNIX and Linux. Take a look at these screenshots (It's only 45Kb)

About Mysund Scripts

Mysund Scripts is a growing number of Tcl/Tk packages, that primarily, right now, is made for win95. The name Mysund was chosen because of the geografic placement within Copenhagen where Mysund's headquater is placed. The founder, lead and only programmer at Mysund, has accidentally stumbled over the programming language Tcl/Tk, and has devoted a lot of time into learning, developing and promoting Tcl/Tk.

Mysund Scripts is, until now, a noncomercial company, but with the increasing global interest for Tcl/Tk, i'm ready to take on projects in Tcl/Tk. My primary force is in the Tk area such as GUI's and prototype GUI. As an example my first product is a Mutiple Document Interface (MDI) in the Win95 style. To try it out you have to install the Tcl/Tk 8.1 package that is downloadable from

What is comming up?
Right now the prime project is an IDE for Tcl/Tk, that integrates an "easy programming project management".
This include:
  1.) MDI/GUI interface
  2.) A more graphically and structured representation of source-files for better overview
  3.) socket based communication with separated interpreter-processes (to deal with anoying crashes)
  4.) what else one could ask for

Contacting Mysund

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions,
or want to contact me for some other reason,
you can email me at
Urgent emails is prefered sent to

My ICQ number is 6793656