My Details
Personal Biodata
Name : Eugene Tan Ewe Hin Sex : Male
Date of Birth : 17 January 1975 Nick : ET
Nationality : Singaporean Species : Alien from VENUS
Age : Turning 23 in January '98
Hobbies : Movies, Shopping, Music, Singing, Computer Gaming,
Webpage Designing, Internet, IRC and Phone Chatting.
Music before you carry on reading?
Eleboration : I watch movies with my friends. After that, we
usually end up shopping : 'window' or otherwise.
I enjoy meeting new friends esp pple who come from
different parts of the world.
Music and singing comes together naturally for me.
I am not saying that I am a NaTuRaL bOrN sInGer...
and I don't see myself as a good singer, BUT at
least I am not the 'Glass SHATTERING' type.
"This is Guaranteed."
I play Computer Games to relax my mind and soul, as
well as to relieve the STRESSes of Every DAy life.
My interest in Webpage Designing started when I
'discovered' Internet OR actually started to surf
only after I got my NEW PC!! : simply AwEsOmE!
Its real cool - Pentium 200 mmx stuff. HOT STUFF!!
Gotta really thank my parents for it.
Well my old 486 PC is still going on strong and is still
with me ...
I feel that internet is a very nice 'place' to meet pple
and is also a good means to keep in contact with present
friends. I think IRC is BBS chatting revived!!
Phone chatting is still the oldest and best means to
contact friends in Singapore. Email saves us the
trouble as well as cost of long-distance phone calls.
Its amazing....
A toast to future technology advancements
towards a better life and future!
Educational Achievements
Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Diploma in Electrical Engineering, 1995
Majored in Systems Programming and Application (Visual C++)
Coursework :
-> Engineering Computing (Turbo Pascal; Turbo C)
-> Microprocessors and Programming
-> Microcomputer Design and Applications
-> Computer Aided Design / Computer Aided Manufacturing (CADCAM)
-> Electrical Circuits and Networks
-> Power Distribution and Protection
-> Industrial Management
-> Project Design
-> Research and Presentation (Language Skills)
-> Oral and Written Communication (Language Skills)
Ngee Ann Polytechnic; Language and Communication Skills Centre, 1994
Computerised English Language Proficiency Test (CELPT)
Siglap Secondary School, GCE 'O' Level Certificate,1991
-> Distinctions in Art and Science
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and bear with me as I put together my website... THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT