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You should go download Netscape or turn Java ON. You're missing out!
Welcome to the home page for the pursuit of mass destruction. Take a look at What's New in my web. Microsoft is trying to take over the internet by making none of their CRAP work with anyone else's progs. May Microsoft eternally BURN INHELL! Anyone with half-a-brain knows Netscape is the best browser so I say use that, I do. This page is now home of my Quake Clan, affectionately called Clan Ranger after U.S. Army Airborne Rangers. This is also the homepage of Guido's Webring of Destruction, my webring of cool sites mostly belonging to me and my friends but I am sure that will change. On another note, I like neat pics and animated gifs, for this reason I have lots, a good amount of which are fairly big. I am sorry to those who have a slow connection or little patience for the time delay (about 3 minutes for this page the first time) but I feel it's worth it to get the full greatness of the site. Thanx for the cooperation.
Welcome to Guido's little chunk of the world. Here you can learn things about me, my friends, things we do, and stuff we like. Feel free to look around and e-mail me if you find any bugs or have any problems. Special Note: This site will NEVER use BLINK.
I ask of you only a few things... Boycott Micro$oft as much as you can (especially Internet Explorer), Don't visit sites that are "Micro$oft Enhanced" (read "Internet Explorer ONLY. Netscape will not work here!"), If you have a page, put some of these cool pics on your site, and finally don't ruin this web for everyone else by pulling stunts like reporting it and shit.
There is a SECRET page located on this web. Somewhere on this page, ANYWHERE on this page as a matter of fact, (only this file "index.htm") there is a link. Find it, you're in. Don't, you're not. Easy enough? You may ask, "What will I find there?" Well too bad, I'm not telling!!
We here at mAsS dEsTrUcTiOn InC enjoy destruction, explosion, and obliteration of anything that needs it. COOL! Keep it cool, from all us here!
-=Guido is GOD, and you are his BITCH=-
Try these Quick Searches, I plan on making more!
WebCrawler Quick Search for "Anti-Microsoft"
WebCrawler Quick Search for "Warez"
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What's New
Click above on the words "What's New" to go see past additions. The single most recent section will still be listed here.
Monday, October 27, 1997
Added Roger's Ranger's Standing Orderspage
Added Ranger Info/Historypage
Added Ranger Info/Historypage
Added Ranger Info/Historypage
Added Ranger Unitspage
Added Ranger School Packing Listpage
Added Ranger School Schedulepage
Added Ranger Cadencespage
Added Special Forces Info/Historypage
Added Special Forces Jargonpage
Added Special Forces Technologypage
Added S.Op. Detatchment Delta (Delta Force) Info/Historypage
Added SEAL Info/Historypage
Added Marine Recon Info/Historypage
Added Military Ribbonspage
Added more pictures to the Military pages
Updated footer on ever page
Added disclamer to Miltary page
Registered with Register-It.com
Put some new pics and java around pages
Added random Murphy's Law of Combat to Military page
Removed Darth Vader sound from Military page
Do NOT Click This Image!!!!!
Do NOT Click This Image!!!!!
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Copyright "Guido: The Destroyer of Men" 1997.
For problems or questions regarding this web contact [Guido666@Raex.Com].
Last updated: November 24, 1997.
DISCLAIMER: Everything on this site is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Pirated software is ILLEGAL, I do not have pirated software on my hard drive nor do I use pirated software. I am NOT responsible for how you decide to use them in any way, shape or form. Also, if you hurt yourself with any of the information on these pages, it is your fault, not mine, so don't come crying to me. If you do not agree to this you may leave now. I hope you will enjoy your visit!
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