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Indicators Suite.
Hi! I am Yuris Puteinis.
I want to offer ActiveX Indicators Suite, which can improve your
applications interface. This Suite contains two ActiveX controls: axIndicator
- advanced progress bar and LCD Panel. These
controls also are available as separate products. Read details about this
controls. You can download and register
these products and samples.
About axIndicator.
axIndicator is advanced progress bar. Developer can select control display
style, color scale, minimum and maximum values, associated text string.
axIndicator bar may be divided into two zones showed by different colors. See
screenshots with several versions of control displaying.

axIndicator - ActiveX control, which may be used in any
development environment for example Visual C++ or Visual Basic. axIndicator is
available for developer in next versions:
axIndicator Lite (freeware)
- vertical progress bar with two bar display styles.
axIndicator - four display styles, vertical or
horizontal bar orientation.
axIndicator Professional - four display styles,
vertical or horizontal bar orientation. All source code included.
as part of ActiveX Indicators Suite.
You can download and register
products and samples.
About LCD Panel.
LCD Panel is used to display numbers with LCD panel style. Developer can
select digits display style, color scale, total digits count and digits after
comma count. See screenshots with several versions of control displaying.

LCD Panel - ActiveX control, which may be used in any
development environment for example Visual C++ or Visual Basic. LCD Panel is
available for developer in next versions:
LCD Panel Lite (freeware)
- display numbers in fixed format -8.2
LCD Panel - display any numbers
LCD Panel Professiional - display any numbers.
All source code included.
as part of ActiveX Indicators Suite.
You can download and register
products and samples.