SOC *UPDATE* Tuesday 31st October
There is now a template of the website at template.htm in the directory
of this website. Links now should have pages but withut content. Andrew
use We not I when writing stuff on this site. Hope u like the new site.
Meetings at #SOC in mIRC, connect to server
We have
uploaded a majority of pages to this new website now but I haven't done
the clan details page yet. Oh and if anyone knows of a decent server we
can use to play against other clans let me know please here
If you
would like to join our clan which currently has 6 ish members e-mail one
of us here and we will sort out a date for us
to run some trials.
to Survivors of Cerberon. We are a brand new clan and currently consist
of 6ish members. We decided to create this clan after we brought Quake
II which is amazing and much better than Quake III we feel. We hope to
continue to update this page at least every other day with all the latest
news about our clan and Quake II stuff. Remember "those who betray
must be killed".