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Welcome to Pinoy Neighbourhood Site 
(The Filipino-Australian Neighbourhood Directory)
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Philippine News 
Philippine News 
Events  for 1998 
Tawanan Pinoy 
'Jesus First' Ministries 
Photo GalleryPhoto Gallery  
Photo Gallery
Other Links
President Ramos and PM John Howard Fidel and John  
The Philippines/Australia University Sites University Sites 
Dollar-Peso Exchange Rate Exchange Rates
 Our Filipino-Australian NeighboursOur Filipino-Australian NeighboursOur Filipino-Australian NeighboursOur Filipino-Australian Neighbours
Who are the Filipino People in our Neighbourhood ?...
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Kamusta mga Kababayan ! 
Welcome to our web site! This serves as the directory of Filipino-Australians  
who have the skills or trades you wanted. These people are just in our  
neighbourhood and ready to meet and serve you. 
As of now, this site is almost complete. Its primary purpose 
is to promote camaraderie among our fellow Filipinos. And, we need  
your cooperation for the success and improvement of this site. 
Maraming Salamat at Mabuhay ang Filipino!
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Last updated: 12 May 1998