Tadeusz Lemańczyk Home Page

First Name: Tadeusz
Middle Name: Edmund
Last Name: Lemańczyk
Title: dr hab.
Works for: Poznan University of Technology
             Faculty of Computer Science and Management
             Institute of Management Engineering
                Division of European Integration and Business Law
E-mail Address: tedi@geocities.com
Street Address: Os. Wichrowe Wzgórze nr 34 m. 87
City: Poznań
Province: Wielkopolska
Postal Code: 61-699
Country: Poland
Telephone Number: (48)0618206814
A gift made by Internet to my wife:
    her try at  /Heartland/Prairie/....
A gift made by Internet to my daughter:
   her try at /Tokyo/Garden/....
A gift made by Internet to my son:
   her try at http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Garage/....
My (Recently) Favourite Poem
My Background
Attention, please! It's only a sample of my daughter's creating parfonts possibilities,
and nothing else
My Present Research Interests
My (Recently) Favourite Motto

Ryba często ma natchnienia,
lubi w duszy snuć marzenia,
przebywać w odosobnieniu,
skromnie, cicho, nieco w cieniu.
Tu się widzi poświęcenia.
Brak energii, zniechęcenia.
Rzadko zrywy lub ambicja.
Ważna cecha - intuicja.
Leszek Szuman. Ryby

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