Just the Facts!

ORIGINAL POST : 05/5/2002

Once again, the channel management of #bbwSensuallySexy showed a lack of respect for those who volunteer their time, money and energy to make the channel a success. They demand respect, yet give so little loyalty, honesty and fairness in return. And once again, they lose yet another web site as a result.

UPDATE: 07/25/2002

We assisted channel management in March of 2002 by creating a website for their IRC channel. We were told they no longer needed our Web Site on May 5, 2002. We have since heard that Channel Management tells everyone we took the web site down because we had our Operator status removed and wanted to be spiteful and vindictive. Go figure. The exact words we were told by Cntry`Angel, the Channel Co-Founder, in an email sent to us May 5, 2002, which stated:

"As far as the web site is concerned.. if you feel it necessary to remove it.. that is fine for we have another one already up and working"

We were told they no longer needed our site, period! So we took ours down because we were paying for the domain and didn't feel like tossing our money into a project that was unappreciated and unwanted. That was it, nothing vindictive or spiteful about that!

Since we left the Channel Management of #bbw-sensuallysexy they have gone through three different web masters and web teams, and that has only been since May of 2002.

Web Site Number One: www.bbw-sensuallsexy.com
This site went up in mid-may, And was down by mid-June. According to sources, this site domain was funded by a Non-Operator, and when that individual lost interest in a woman he was seeing in the Channel Management Team, the site went down. No one else could afford to pay for the domain and so this site shut down for good in late June.

Web Site Number Two www.bbw-sensuallysexys.com
This Web Site for #bbw-Sensuallysexy went up in late June, and was taken down in mid July. According to several sources, the members who assisted on this site did not agree with how the channel was run (My Way or the Highway) and did not want to be a part of #bbw-sensuallysexy any further. There were statements made that they felt they had no say in what went on in the channel or on the web site. In short, you do what you are told, or else.

Web Site Number Three http://snow.prohosting.com/bbwsens
They are currently trying to get their THIRD web site up and utilizing all the pictures and graphics they can salvage from previous attempts. Let's see how long this one last.

And last, we aren't putting this information out to hurt anyone, even though we have been very hurt by those who we once called "our friend" and who we stood loyal to through thick and thin and who we even assisted financially. But, we felt it was time we had our say, and let others know what really happened to US. We're doing great and spend a lot of our time with new friends in MSN Chat rooms. We also want to thank all the Channel Operators and members from #bbw-sensuallysexy who message us from time to time and keep us up on all the "drama" that goes on in that chat room! Sometimes, you just gotta laugh!!

Again, Good Luck to everyone in your future endeavors.

Jim123 and Susan123

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