David Delaney's Site

Ottawa, Canada
ddelaney, at, sympatico, dot, ca
Skype name: davidmdelaney

What to do in a failing civilization (html)   (pdf for printing)
Jay Forrester's prescription for cities
Oil Depletion
Sound bite from the movie Syriana
Overshoot in a nutshell  (Malthus was an optimist) 
Short Circuit: Richard Douthwaite's handbook for guerilla relocalization
New Scientist feature issue: The Folly of Growth
Irregular thoughts on economic growth and related subjects
E.M. Forster's prescient short story (1909), The Machine Stops
Solar Cooking
Residential solar heating:
    Solar Energy Storage Wall for Passive Survivability
    Organizing the air flow between a thermosyphon solar air heater and a thermal mass located above it
    Solar air heater with attic heat store for 100% solar heating
    Scheme for a 100% Passive 100% solar house for a cold climate
            Free-standing column of stones for a heat store without fans
    Buckley's Thermic Diode
             Mechnix Illustrated article on the thermic diode
    Check valves for passive solar water heating systems
    Distributing hot water into a hot water heat store while maintaining thermal stratification
        Shurcliff's scheme to create and maintain thermal stratification of solar hot water storage tanks
    Larkin's anti-reverse syphon solar air heater
Entirely passive solar air heater with water store, auto radiator heat exchanger
    Early notes on high solar fraction houses
Air lift pumps for solar water heating applications
Nuclear fusion and Robert W. Bussard
Wind Power Resources
Larsen truss for superinsulated house
How to increase the output of a nuclear generating plant by 20%
Solar Water Heating
Heat Pipes
Self-pumping solar heating system with geyser pumping action
Sorensen's bubble pump for solar water heaters
Solar Energy Links
Net Energy and Embodied Energy
My posts to the energyresources group (2 MB)
Christmas tree watering device
Simple inexpensive camera support for table top photography
A very good sack-closing knot
Fast blind sack-closing with the constrictor knot
How to tie a sash
Knot No. 1688, a Hitch, in The Ashley Book of Knots
An icicle hitch
Sun and weather data for Ottawa, Ontario
Scutigera Coleoptrata
Montague's folding bicycle patent
Leslie and David, February 2009 (104 KB)

  Interesting sites:

  Peak oil and the fate of humanity.  Robert Bériault's excellent ebook.