The object of Illuminati is to control the
world. You start with a single Illuminati Card, representing your
own secret conspiracy. During the game, you take over other Group
cards. They are added to your Power Structure as your puppets --
unless a foe takes them from you. You can use Plot cards to
advance your own position or harass your foes.
[ S.J. Games | [Join The Illuminati NWO Webring | Illuminati NWO Webring HTML Fragment ]
Are you looking for cool Illuminati Stuff, if so check out They have a huge selection of INWO posters and other stuff. Click on their banner to go to their site or search their site from here.
For those IWNO beginers, Joe Broxson, created a quick
reference sheet in Excel. It was designed to fit on a blank IWNO
card, a card you hate, or a card you have an over abundence of,
but it did not fit so I tweaked it so that it would fit. Like him
I don't recommend using les than a 300 dpi laser printer. You can
download it from my site by clicking here.
For those INWO players that have visited S.J. Games
website a few years ago, may have seen an Excel spreadsheet that
would help organize your IWNO card collection. This file is no
longer downloadable from their website, but it is hidden in their
ftp site. You can download it from my site by clicking here.
Illuminati World:is owned by Ryan Hope. |
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©1999 by Ryan Hope, ©1982, 1983, 1987, 1991, 1995 by Steve Jackson Incorporated. Illuminati and the all-seeing pryamid are registered trademarks of Steve Jackson Incorporated. All rights reserved.
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