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Last Updated Wednesday 5th April 2005

Buck spends two hours on bench spewing!!!. 

April 2005: After a late start to the day the groom quickly picked up the pace and manage to overtake all those involved... more  

Timbo Turns 30!!!. 

Jan 2005: See the shanigans as Turbo Turn Tirty....more  

2004 Hotham Snow Trip Declared a Success

5th-10th Sept: Highlight of the trip incude Rock Star Spotting, UNO Championship and of course a day or two of Snow boarding....  more 

2004 Melbourne Cup. 

Nov 2004: Drawer sacrificed in the name of keeping warm while drinking beer outside..... more  

Party Split induces PARM OFF 2004

Sept 2004: At the annual snow conference in it was disclosed that a number of member policies were not aligned. This has caused a slit in the senate and as a result a early parm off has been declared... more  


Late Breaking News:
Girls who say they dont cheat UNO!

This is a few picks of my beloved "Blade"
Blade1 Blade2 Blade3 Blade4

Wazza's "Trump Card"
Trump Card 1 Trump Card 2

Pics from the 2004 Brownlow
(Require MS-PowerPoint)
Uno Championship: Boy 10 Girls 9