Succeeding as a Wood Elf in Everquest
Greetings, fellow adventurer. I am Kenshiro, a Ranger Wood Elf in Kelethin (Solusek Ro server). I would like to share some of my hard-earned knowledge with you so you can succeed.
Good map of Kelethin
The manual’s map is mistaken, but not terribly so. The only real mistake is the area around the Heartwood Tavern. Unfortunately, that is directly on the path to both the bank and the Ranger's Guild (a place close to my heart). Below is a corrected map. Under the corrected map is a list of locations and their coordinates in Greater Faydark.
The /loc command
This command is probably the most useful command in the whole game. It gives you coordinates telling you where your character is. Try using this command and you will get the hang of it quickly. If you think you are going to die, ALWAYS use this command, and you will be able to find your corpse much more quickly. The X and Y coordinates are the most useful, though you can use the Heading to understand where you are going, as described later.
Major locations, listed by coordinates
Using the /loc command, you can move around far more quickly. Instead of following the paths, which tend to wind around a great deal, you can move directly to important locations.
Location |
The Orc Lift |
Felwith |
Lesser Faydark |
X Axis |
1054 |
-1948 |
-2422 |
-1557 |
Y Axis |
218 |
-2305 |
-1039 |
2540 |
Location |
The Orc Camp |
Stonehenge (newbie area) |
Crushbone (very dangerous) |
Bandit Camp |
X Axis |
1542 |
415 |
Coming Soon |
-1257 |
Y Axis |
95 |
-383 |
Coming Soon |
-676 |
Lesser Faydark
Location |
Pixie Castle |
Castle Mistmore |
Greater Faydark |
Steamfont Mtns |
X Axis |
1290 |
-920 |
1915 |
1134 |
Y Axis |
2831 |
3212 |
-1140 |
-1964 |
Location |
Brownies Camp |
Orc Centurions? |
Abandoned Camp |
X Axis |
1792 |
-232 |
-904 |
Y Axis |
3153 |
-711 |
1131 |
Location |
Bandit Camp |
Orc Camp 2 |
Elf Outpost |
X Axis |
1591 |
-434 |
-298 |
Y Axis |
2165 |
1551 |
1262 |
Location |
Goblin Camp 1 |
Skeleton Ruins |
Greater Faydark |
Dwarf Bandit |
X Axis |
-274 |
-2021 |
-1116 |
-513 |
Y Axis |
-2059 |
1974 |
-2958 |
-567 |
Location |
Bloodforge |
South Kaladin |
Port |
Skeleton Tower |
X Axis |
-935 |
2860 |
1336 |
-1545 |
Y Axis |
11 |
-212 |
2485 |
780 |
Steamfont Mountains
A quick hint about Steamfont. If someone shouts "Hero," run FAST to an exit or to Akanon city. The Minotaur Hero has been know to take out multiple guards. It killed me in one hit (and I was 10th level).
Location |
Lesser Faydark |
Windmills |
Minotaur Caves |
Akanon City |
X Axis |
725 |
124 |
1154 |
1908 |
Y Axis |
1971 |
-533 |
-1817 |
577 |
Navigating with the /loc Heading
Heading |
0/520 |
130 |
260 |
390 |
X Axis |
Higher |
Unchanged |
Unchanged |
Lower |
Y Axis |
Unchanged |
Higher |
Lower |
Unchanged |
Moving on a heading between the two will combine the results. For example, moving at heading 325 will move to a lower X and a lower Y coordinate.
Useful skills
ForageWonderful. Free food. Enough said.
Kick (5th level)For warriors, bind this to a hot key, and use during combat. Can give you much more damage.
TrackThough not useful at the first three levels, when you spend most of your time in the newbie areas, this skill becomes critcal when you move up to higher levels, and want to find and attack specific monsters. Also nice to find party members, though you can also get to them by clicking on them and using the /loc command.
Sense HeadingUseless. Use the /loc command.
HideVery useful when you’re trying to recover your corpse
InfravisionWhy waste points on this skills when you can simply set your screen (or Gamma) to be brighter?
I am currently a 6th level Ranger. Here’s what I found I could take on by myself and usually win:
Level 1:
BatLevel 2:
Wasp DroneLevel 3:
Orc PawnLevel 4:
Pixie TricksterLevel 5:
Orc CenturionLevel 6:
Dwarf SkeletonCan’t take on yet:
Orc Legionnaire (in Crushbone)As you can see, levels three and four are a bit barren, so it’s best to group up with a party and go to the Orc camp.
You can reach me at If you have any interesting locations around Faydark (especially in Steamfont or ButcherBlock), please send me the /loc coordinates.
LinksMost of the maps linked here (with the exception of Kelethin, which I made) are at Everquest Online.