Visitors |
Medic AID v2.0 |
(c) 1998 Dr.Dave Kendall |
Medic AID is the working title of a software package aimed at busy Doctors to alleviate some of the stresses of daily ward work. Designed exclusively for the Psion 5 Series palmtop computer it offers fast and efficient patient oriented DATA handling right where you need it - in the palm of your hand. |
Modern day clinical practice is awash with various DATA items, from the various inpatient hospital codes to the myriad of lab test results and scraps of paper full of hastily scratched 'Jobs to do' which frequently end up lost. Handover of this information to others is open to great error. |
You've bought (or been given) a nice new PSION palmtop, and bestowed upon it the power to drastically alter your day-to-day life, empowering it with unprecedented secretarial skills and the rapidity of recall of a mental gymnast. What a disappointment then that the reality is so different. . . . |
Remember that first ward round, nervously fingering your PSION to try and impress, only to find your 'To Do' list in Agenda is missing the Data app is not up to speed, your hastily scrawled note on sketch has also gone astray; not to mention the patient you've forgotten owing to that 'save' error. |
Wouldn't it be great if . . . . |
You had a complete list of patients? You could file results neatly per patient? You could graphically monitor trends? You could have advice at the bedside? You could carry an electronic formulary? You could monitor drug regimes? You could keep an active Job list? You could handover to your oncall teams? You could print out any DATA entered? You could update notes away from the ward? Customise software to the way you work?
All in the palm of your hand . . . . |
On your PSION Series 5
Now you can !! |
Introducing . . . . |
Medic AID v2.0 . . . . . . |
(c) 1998 Dr.Dave Kendall |
This site was designed by Dr. Dave Kendall and is copyright 1998. The name Medic AID when applied to medical software for the PSION is copyrighted, though it should not be confused with other agencies offering Healthcare provision/insurance. Any similarity is accidental. The screenshots and content within them is also subject to copyright (any similarity with any persons living or otherwise is purely coincidental). Feel free to download them to your own website but please include a link here, similarly with any files (such as reviews). Anyone wishing to have a link to their website, please email me via the form on page 3.
Regards, Dave. |
Site Updated: 10am GMT 2nd November 1998 |
Optimised for Netscape4 (copyrighted as usual!) and width 800 pixels |