Alberto's Home Page

last update 2003/6/3

My name is Alberto Vignani, I work in the software department at FIAT Research Center near Torino, Italy, doing mostly PC stuff under Windows for data acquisition and engine control (EDSW). More about me here.


I started playing with Linux back in 1993; I was a dosemu developer from 1996 to 2001, I introduced the Pentium RDTSC counter in dosemu and started writing an x86 CPU simulator, actually not very successful.


Please go on my main music site at or to vitaminic to get mp3 files

Here is the latest version of my ismidi program (2006/10/8). Still in BETA state. I added a melody database, an orchestration database, a revised version of Clara Empricost and a Lindenmayer system generator (see Gogins) and corrected the usual bunch of bugs.

And some documentation for the six CDs I made between 2001 and 2003:
    Concerto per Eleonora (in Italian)
    Miroirs 1 (Sep.2001)
    Miroirs 2 (Dec.2001)
    Jean-Loup Garou (Dec.2002)(in Italian)
    Third-Hand Music (Jan.2003)
    Tales From the Mist (Feb.2003)(in Italian)


You can find my VERY old hardware stuff here. I don't delete it only because this page has been linked by some die-hard transputer fanatics ;-)



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