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JSP Tag Library for XML Parsing
(Java Developer's Resource from Devsphere)

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This free open source taglib provides well documented JSP actions that hide the complexities of the SAX and DOM APIs that are used internally. It exports JSP variables holding the information from an XML document and it lets you process each piece of information in a well defined context. It comes with a code builder that takes a sample XML document and generates a JSP page that parses the sample XML content. You may edit the generated JSP adding the code that processes the XML data.

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JSP Tag Library for Dynamic XML
(Java Developer's Resource from Devsphere)

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This free open source taglib provides well documented JSP actions that serialize DOM trees and produce XML constructs: elements, start/end tags, character data, CDATA sections, comments and processing instructions. It comes with a code builder that takes a sample XML document and generates a JSP page that outputs the sample XML content. You may edit the generated JSP in order to make it more general so that it can output XML documents that are similar to the given XML sample.

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(Java Developer's Resource from Devsphere)

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SAXDOMIX is a small framework that can forward SAX events or DOM sub-trees to your application during the parsing of an XML document allowing you to get DOM sub-trees in the middle of a SAX parsing. After handling, all DOM sub-trees become eligible for garbage collection. This solves the well-known DOM scalability problem. For example, you can process a very large XML table and get each record as a DOM sub-tree. SAXDOMIX also provides special support for XSLT allowing you to apply the same XSLT instructions to each DOM sub-tree.

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Persistent Threads for Friendly Applications
(Java Developer's Journal)

This Java Developer's Journal article enhances the ideas from a previous JDJ article. You'll find out how to implement thread persistence for your applications so that their execution can be suspended and resumed after an unlimited period of time.

Learn why thread persistence can't be implemented by the Java Virtual Machine (java.lang.Thread isn't serializable) and read about the benefits of thread persistence: applications became more friendly and they can recover after a crash.

Look for this article at Java Developer's Journal.


Persistent Threads for Friendly Applets
(Java Developer's Journal)

This Java Developer's Journal article is a technical discussion about the use of threads in animation applets, synchronization, thread-safety, locks and wait sets. It compares four design patterns and explains which is the best and why. If you write Java applets then you should read this article.

Your animation applets should let the users suspend/resume the animation. And ALWAYS stop the threads when the applet is stopped. Note that the methods stop(), suspend() and resume() of the class Thread were deprecated by Java 2 (JDK 1.2). So, you shouldn't use them.

Look for this article at Java Developer's Journal.


What AWT Version Do You Use?
(Java Developer's Journal)

This Java Developer's Journal article is about user interface optimizations. The old AWT 1.0 event model is used by all AWT 1.1 components that don't have listeners. Read this article if you want to learn how to force the AWT components to use the delegation event model, even if they don't need listeners.

You can also discover programmatically what are the components that use the old event model, by using a small utility class that prints the component trees of the windows created by your applications.

Look for this article at Java Developer's Journal.


Persistent User Interface for Multiuser Applications
(Java Developer's Journal)

This Java Developer's Journal article shows how to implement the persistence for your AWT-based user interfaces and explains the advantages: timesaving for users and easy-to-use for developers. The Serialization API introduced by Java 1.1 makes the task easy, but you must control what is serialized for maximum efficiency.

This JDJ article takes the best ideas from "Serializing UI Components" and is focused on real world applications. When the users close the example application, the state of the user interface components is saved on disk. Next time they launch the application, the window is shown on screen at the same positions and the state of the components (colors, fonts, labels, etc) is restored.

Look for this article at Java Developer's Journal.



This is a free Java Developer's tool that

  • Converts JAVA source files into HTML files
  • Adds syntax coloring (highly configurable)
  • Replaces tabs with spaces
  • Needs JDK 1.1+
  • Source code - 300 lines
. . .
Vector keyw = new Vector(keywords.length);
for (int i = 0; i < keywords.length; i++)
int tabsize = 4;


Inside AWT

This is a series of three articles:


Browser 3D

Browser 3D is a pure Java, 3D engine:

  • This applet works like a VRML browser
  • You can use its engine to create 3D GUI for your applications
  • Binary Space Partitioning Trees
  • 3D primitives: prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone, sphere, TEXT
  • Multiple views of the same model
  • Buttons with 3D animations
  • Source code (3,000 lines) - Java 100%



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