This web page was created more or less for laughs and, hell, who can beat the freakin' price, free!
My interests include, of course, playing around with the computer, gardening, golf, and cats. Computer-wise, I enjoy doing some programming in Visual Basic, creating graphics and playing pc games.
In regard to graphics, the best program for amateurs like me is Paint Shop Pro 8.0. The freeware sites also have a lot of good stuff available. Search on "Pixia" for a very cool, free graphics program. There are some links below or just search on freeware from one of the search pages on the web. I use Google . It is very fast.
Some of the stuff I have created can be accessed on the download page. It's all free, simple to use and, I think, pretty worthwhile. Check out the animated cursors, particularly the guillotine. Also, while you are here, play the Ninja game.
My wife and I have two pussy cats. Pictures of the the cats are in the photo album.
The little orange guy is Gabbie, our one year old rescue. The black devil is a stray we found orphaned at a vet. We named her, cleverly, Orphan Annie. As with all cats, Gabbie and Annie own us and allow us the privilege to feed them and wait on them hand and paw.
Which reminds me of a joke. This three legged dog goes into a bar. The bartender asks the dog what he would like to drink. The dog say, " I'm just looking for the man that shot my paw."
Speaking of ducks. This duck goes into a pharmacy and asks the druggist for some condoms. The druggist asks the duck, "Would you like me to put these on your bill?" The duck says, "I'm not that kind of duck."
Some cool places on the Web: Freeware Sites
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