Welcome to the Single Side Band Ragchewers Website.
The Single Side Band Ragchewers are a group of people who for no other reason than having a good time on the radio, meet at least once a week on SSB frequencies 26.150,00 or 26.195,00 Lower side band. We welcome Hams and Freebanders to the frequency, and we always try to help out each other with radio questions and problems. A good example of typical DXNet's that we have had would be 10-15 stations in and 56 divisions. We all meet on either frequency 26.195 LSB or 26.150 LSB. Many stations would be working with Yagi's and many with verticals. All doing their best to beam the most central stations, usually 2 and 9 divisions, and 2 and 9 divisions beaming Europe. All having a chance to make contacts with each other during the DXNet. Many of us send EQSL cards during the contacts to save money and to confirm right away. Many of the stations are QRP and many are 100w stations, but we are all good mannered operators willing to help each other make the contacts. You dont have to have a big Yaesu or Kenwood Rig. Some Ranger Cobra President or Uniden rigs will do very well. Many of our operators use dipoles in the loft or wire antenna hanging from a balcony, as long as you have the frequencies, you can join in, we are a group of close friends and you are welcome to join us. All we ask is that you represent yourselves like The Ladies and Gentlemen of the radio that you are.
Some of the SSB radios that one could use are listed on the radios page
Click to subscribe to ssb_ragchewers@onelist.com
Community email addresses: To subscribe to the Ragchewers