Welcome to the homepage of Invisend
Invisend is a cool graphical front-end for the "net send" command, used to send short messages across computers in Windows NT based LAN.  There is no setup of any kind is needed to use invisend. Just download and run. You don't even need a seperate client application (not even Invisned) to receive messages. It is freeware. What else do you want from a messenger application?
By the way, the name "Invisend" stands for "INVISible net SEND"
Invisend main dialog
* Space saving GUI design 
* System tray support
* Address book (Fully configurable). You can make/edit groups.
* Can send messages to individuals as well as to groups
* Can specify nick names for persons and groups
* Can save messages sent in a session
* Custom signature facilit
Click here for more screenshots.
Development details and source code
Invisend was developed in C and C++, using Visual Studio V6.0   If you are interested in the source code, mail me . Please remember to put "Invisend" in the subject field
Click here to download invisend (236 KB).
Installing and Un-Installing Invisend
Download the zip file from above link. Installer (and uninstaller) is included. Just run the installer application to install. You can un-install Invisend using the start menu or using Windows Control Panel.
Page Last Updated: 20 September 2005