Maxwell's Home Page
Maxwell's House 
Hello fellow Internet surfer . . . welcome to my home page. I'm very glad you made it this far . . . and I hope you'll return later as this page will be transformed on a regular basis.  Looks like I survived last semester studying all that geekie Computer Science stuff --"just give me the damn answers for the exams, professor."  If this site is too slow, go to my alternate site at Western University which should be much faster than here. Sorry if you had to jet off to the other site....but "its not the end of the world." 

  I plan to include links to kool and unique places on the net:

My Background
    I was born on the east coast of Barbados (Blades Hill, St. Philip), but my family soon gave up the "warmth" for the "cold." So, I grew up both in the midst of a laid back society and in the heart of Western idealism (i.e.. fast paced lifestyles that's faster than warp 9) at the same time. Lucky me!!  All in all, I'm very proud to be Canadian and see great things for this country --"once our politicians quit raiding the treasury."
    As a person born under the sign of Gemini, everything I do revolves around 4 sacred principles:
My Interests
 The fastest way to really get to know me is by discovering what I like to do and my aspirations:         I was deeply moved by The Carpetbaggers, If Tomorrow Comes, Bloodline, It, and The Odessa File. I was so inspired, especially by Robbins, King and Forsyth, that I plan to take up writing as a hobby. In addition, The Carpetbaggers is my personal favourite!
My Resume
        I, truly, have been very fortunate in my career endeavours! Each organization provided me with valuable lessons and, of  course, skills that I will not soon forget. Furthermore, the friendships created out of these associations have been nothing less  than spectacular and hence, I wish all of them the best of luck in their future endeavours. So without further adieu, here is my most up to date resume!
My Favourites
We all have our "favourites". . .here are mine:
Links to My Favorite Sites
  Another way to really get to know someone --especially someone who spends as much time on the Internet as I do-- is by where they surf:
CNN/SI --get all your sports info here!
No Nags -FREE software that don't EXPIRE
DOWNLOAD.COM - get tons of FREE software here!
Software Development Online
Barbados --pic of Crane Beach
CarribeanWeek Online Mag
The Advocate Online - Barbados' premiere newspaper!
Cyberfriends Pen Pals
GeoCities - the Internet's largest community!
Expedia - the wolrd's greatest travel site!
The Calorie Burner Calculator
OffshoreWorld site --Banking in Belize
EscapeArtist site -Offshore Banking & Tax Haven Extravaganza!
Universal Currency Converter
Overseas Jobs Site
Federal Government Job Bank
Worlds Largest Apartment Rental site
NTU -National Technological University online
Athabasca University --distance education for everyone
NUDC -National Universities Degree Consortium
Ziff-Davis Online University
World Lecture Hall --notes and lectures on-line
London, Ontario Virtual Mall
Global Search
Western University home page
(Coming soon...Java and Javascript enhancements)
Send e-mail about my site!