El Hombre...

The Western Lands

El Hombre...

Welcome to the Western Lands. This site is where you can download The Western Lands Infinite Cut-Up Routine.

The program attempts to produce "cut-ups" in the style of writer William S.Burroughs by travelling around the web, from a given starting point, cutting up and randomly joining words and sentances from the pages it visits.

If you have no idea who William Burroughs is (shame on you!...), then please have a look at this page which will tell you more about him than I can fit into this GeoCities site...

If you'd like to see some examples of what the program comes up with then you can try either - Conspiracy - Zen - Why Say No?

If you're eager to download then click here for the download page. The program was last updated 4th November 1997. (Fireworks tonight for the UK!)

And finally, a quick plug for our main site ("Billy And Sara's Fluffy Site") - go there! Good food, pictures, authors (inc WSB), film, music - it's got it all....

If you have any comments about the program, then please email us!


Download a little psychadelic screensaver - scrsaver.zip (Win95) (101k)


(William S.Burroughs)

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