Who is this guy ?
Hi, my name is Christopher Radcliffe(Chris) and known by some friends and icq pals as,"Rad," or, "The Rad Daddy." Well, it all started 20-some years ago when I became my parents little, "special surprise," their way of telling me I wasn't planned.
I was born in Virginia and have lived there ever since. I grew up as the "baby" of the family and was labeled,"spoiled," from my two other siblings whom I think were just jealous because they knew mom loved me best.
I have one sister, Lindy, who is the oldest and whom I love very much. She has always been like a second mother to me- taking me to all the Disney movies when I was smaller, giving me whiplash as an unwilling dancing partner while trying to teach me the latest American Bandstand dances, and even drowning me (she said she was told to do it by the instructor, but I think she enjoyed it too much for it just to have been an order
) while first teaching me to swim as a baby at the YMCA.
I also have a brother, John, who is the middle child and was known as, "the quiet one," of the bunch. I think I was a major source of amusement to both my sister and brother growing up. Besides amusing them and their friends with different animal noises and actions at beck and call, I remember an incident when my brother and his friend asked me to hold together two wires of a hand-cranked generator while they cranked it up. Being only 4 or 5 at the time, I quickly learned what this thing called electricity was all about, not to mention my brother.
Well, those fond days are in the past and my sister and brother are both married,
with kids (7- 2 girls, and 5 boys), which makes me a very proud uncle. Last, but not least, I have two great parents whom raised me with all the love and care that is humanly possible. Their Christian influence and guidance has made me who I am today, and hey if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be here.
), semi-creative, and a people lover at heart. I love to watch and play all kinds of sports and games, which do occasionally bring out the competitive side in me
. I am definitely a thrill seeker and lover of travel. (Is it just me or does this sound like an intro to the next contestant on The Dating Game?
) God has blessed me with the chance of visiting over 30 different countries and cultures, and over 30 U.S. states (hence the revolving globe). I have a great appreciation for music and love to sing every chance I get (Karaoke is not just a funny, oriental-sounding word, but a way of life!
I also have a great love for the outdoors, animals, and nature, which I acquired from my father and many involuntary hours of watching the Discovery Channel growing up. I guess that is why I chose the field of Biology to major in, in which I got my degree in May of '97. In May of 2000 I received my Physical Therapy Assistant degree and in 2003 my Masters in Physical Therapy from Arkansas State Univ. I am currently working as a P.T in the Nashville, TN area. I wish to one day to be married to a great, christian wife, have kids (despite constant warnings from my sister), all under the instruction and power of God. I don't know what God has planned for me, but I do have faith that He will take care of me and use me in the way He best seems fit.
Where did the nickname come from?
The nick was given to me by one of my friends, Cameron Hunter who combined a current nick,"Rad,"(taken from the first three letters of my last name) and "mack daddy." The nick kind of stuck and the legend was born.
Personal Links:
My Sister's Home page
My Niece's Home page
Harding Univ.
Ark. State Phys. Therapy
My Physical Therapy Class' Home Page
Email me @