DATE:Saturday, September 23, 2006

PLACE: Groton Inn & Suites
99 Gold State Highway
Groton, CT 06340
Phone: 860-445-9784

COST: $20.00 per person
Includes hot and cold buffet, coffee or tea, tax and gratuity. Cash bar extra.

Please join us for the 14th U.N.C. Reunion. Our goal is to compile a directory of our fellow alumni and to get together once a year to renew old aquaintances. We don't have everyone's address; therefore, there are people we missed with this invitation. All U.N.C. alumni are welcome. If you will be attending the reunion, please send a $20.00 check payable to "Cash" or "Robert Bonito" along with the bottom portion of this notice by September 8, 2006.

Pictures from the 4th U.N.C. Alumni Reunion
Pictures from the 1998 U.N.C. Alumni Reunion
Pictures from the 1999 U.N.C. Alumni Reunion
Pictures from the 1977 U.N.C. Gong Show
MAIL TO: Mr. Robert Bonito
288 Jefferson Drive
Guilford, Connecticut 06437
I will be attending the UNC reunion on September 23, 2006
Enclosed is a check for $20.00.


Last Updated: August 15, 2006

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