Papillon Well's Zone




Gaming Zone


bulletGaming Zone

Papillon's World
bulletComputer Zone
bulletPapillon's Bio

:[ Papillon's World] :

Welcome everyone and thank you for stopping in to visit The Papillon Well's Zone for Fitness, Gaming, Genealogy, Computers, and TV. I am Papillon Beaulieu-Wells and this site is best viewed at 1024x768 or higher with at least 16 bit color and works with browsers supporting transitional HTML 4.01. Read below for a descriptions on my different destination zones, then choose a link on the left to go to that destination.

If you send email please include the word PWZONE in the subject line, all emails are filtered for the keyword and the rest is automatically deleted off the server. Currently our email is down due to a configuration problem. Our browser and firewall are not compatible with the new yahoo mail.

  • Fitness is one of my most favorite hobbies and there are so many varieties out there it is hard not to find something you can really get into and perform at your athletic best. I am an athlete by nature and have always had a passion for weight training and endurance activities. Check the fitness section to learn more.

Gaming Zone
  • Computer Sims International (CSI) is dedicated to the Sim's games produced by Maxis/EA. This is where you will want to go for the Sims 1, Sims 2, and Sims 3 games.  This is also my main focal point and the most updated part of my website. You will find lots of information, catalog of items, downloads, and the home of XZ7's mods.  So click the CSI bar on the right and come check out what my crew has been up to for some of the latest Computer Sims International gaming.
  • Gaming Zone is dedicated to enjoyable games I have played over the years that has provided for a lot of replay value for the money spent on the game.

  • Over the years various family members both blood and non-blood related have pursued their various lines of linage. The genealogy area represent the following lines, Cox, Parker, Powell, Simmons, and Smith.

Papillon's World
  • Computer Zone is related to anything pertaining to computers except for gaming.
  • Papillons' Bio  is a little mini bio about me.
  • TV World is what is up with TV.

Site Disclaimer:

"User uses all information, files, links etc.. at their own risk for I take no responsibility or liability in anyway."

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Site Version 7.0, Last updated on January 24, 2009

Copyright 2009