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Sridhar Ramanathan

Java tutorial
For all of you who are looking to learn Java, here is a wonderful tutorial
Find a route in a jiffy
Try this fabulous interactive page to find ur way from anywhere to anywhere in the US.
Absolutely Free software
Looking for software on the net! This site has an answer to all your needs.


Insight into Photography
Take this trail into the wonderful world of photography. This is a tutorial which takes you step-by-step and teaches you the basics and advanced features of SLR photography.
  • Enter the Official Nikon Home Page and read about the latest in SLR photography from Nikon

  • Features

    Get to know more about me. Read this introduction - An autobiography of sorts. Here also lies a page dedicated to my friends

    Also present in this maze of html's, is the most important piece of document in any man's career. Yes! you got it right - My Resume

    The spotlight is on the SLR photography tutorial. This is something which I wanted to build ever since I started learning SLR photography, which believe me is not long ago. As I continue to learn and experiment, this tutorial will grow rich with examples and my experiences. Check out some of my photographs which I have been able to scan. Rest comes later

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