Dr. Richard Young's

Midlands Technical College


IST 246 Integrated Digital Networks Class
IST 260 Digital Network Design Class
IST 290 Voice Over IP Class
Webster University -- Comp 5980 Networking and Telecommunications Management Class

A link to download the PKUNZIP you need
for your version of Windows here:
PKWARE.COM has all the
versions of Unzip for both Windows and Dos

Power Point 97 Viewer
If you need Power Point 97 Viewer which will enable you to view and print
PowerPoint Presentations without Microsoft PowerPoint installed on your computer:
Click here to obtain a Viewerself-extracting zipped executable, 2710K)

 Networking Icons (for diagrams):
Icons to Use for Project Diagrams

Web Sites You Should Visit

General Internetworking

Cisco Systems
Fore Systems
Nortel Networks
IBM Networking
3 Com
Allied Telesyn


|Top of Page|IST 246|IST 260|Comp 5980|IST 290|

Updated: November 6, 2004
Site Designed and Maintained by Cecily Ashton McKinney