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Mill Avenue Gun Grabbers

Legal Research Section Look up Federal, State, City laws. Do other legal Research. Sue the Government and use this section to help do Research. Or just tell your friends about the STUPID, UNCONSTITIONAL, bigoted, and dumb laws that city, county, and state have. Stop the Stinking war in Yugoslavia NOW!!!

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News about the American Bombing of Yugoslavia - From Yugoslavia People outside of American Describe what its like to be bombed by American Terrorists

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Stinking 10 Commandments in Arizona CAPITAL

is jesus the correct god or just a johny come lately god. many christians dont know this but jesus is pretty much just a clone of the krisna & buddha gods that exists hundreds if not thousands of years before christ krishna the orginal jesus

Crazy Libertarian Atheist

buddha while not the orginal jesus christ is cloned after him too if your an atheist and want some laughs take my bible quiz. even if you dont know the bible pick the answer that would make you burst out laughing if it was true and you will have no problem passing with high colors my bible quiz. or if your a christian and think you know a lot about the bible take my quiz. i bet you cant pass it. bible quiz scriptures are included Protest the 10 Commandments at the Arizona State Capital in Wesley Bolin Park

My interests are:
atheist, hacking,electronic & software engineering and of course the libertarian party

The description of my page is:
software & electronics

look at all this cool stuff said the frog

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