GETIF home page

What is getif ?

A small utility, that can halp you to ask SNMP devices as routers, switches, servers, and make usual job on IP hosts (lookup, ping, traceroute). It runs on windows 95/98/NT machines. In some images, here is getif. (beware, the image correpond maybe not to the latest version ...)


1997 : getif 1.3 (not available anymore) (unzip, run the install.bat programm)

june 1998 : getif 2.0 (not available anymore)(unzip, run setup.exe)

end-june 1998 : getif 2.1 (not available anymore)(unzip, run setup.exe)

october 1998 : getif 2.2 (available here)(unzip, run setup.exe) (beta, can change ...)

Graph TAB

This TAB allows to make 2 kinds of graphs : the ping roud-trip delay, or the value of a SNMP (integer/gauge/counter).

To add an element on this graph, you have 3 possibilities :

You can select the refresh time (ex. 0.8 ), the number of points to display,  if you want a legend, axes labels or 3d rendering (try ctrl-click). If you right-click out of the graph, you can copy it on clipboard, and paste it (values or graph ('paste special')) in an other application.

The 'delete' button erase the select entry in the combo box, the 'init' erase all entries, and the 'clear' erase only the values (not the entries).




Parameters TAB

Used to enter hostname, define default SNMP parameters, the path of the telnet application, and to save or restore the application default settings.

par.jpg (60568 bytes)

Interfaces TAB

int.jpg (58304 bytes)

Addresses TAB

addr.jpg (45910 bytes)

Routing table TAB

rou.jpg (116667 bytes)

ARP table TAB

arp.jpg (51141 bytes)

Reachability TAB

You can make a standard ping, and test the ability of the remote host to serve on specified TCP ports ...

reach.jpg (61708 bytes)

General table TAB

You can define, in registry, a set SNMP tables like this one  :

Rules :

You can have a sample reg file here.

Here is this sample :

gentable.jpg (106254 bytes)

Traceroute TAB

This one can make an ICMP or a SNMP traceroute.
The ICMP traceroute is a normal traceroute with ICMP packets with different TTL.
The SNMP traceroute reads part of the routing tables from the host define in the 'parameter' tab to the destination defined on this tab. All hops must be SNMP-able, and reachable with the community name defined in the 'parameter' tab. I hope that the algorithm used to follow a route is not false (!)

trac.jpg (51604 bytes)


This is a graphical interface of the bind 4.9.5 nslookup ( Getif can use its own resolver or go through the resolver of MS. It has a name cache too, that can be disabled.

res.jpg (55202 bytes)

Subnet discovery

A big name only to indicate the you can ping a list of devices to see the occupation of a subnet ...

disc.jpg (66295 bytes)

SNMP Mib browser

A graphical interface of the UCD SNMP tools. (

You can add some mibs files in the 'Mibs' directory.

brow.jpg (86911 bytes)


With the left mouse button, in all tables or tabs, you can make a lot of things (e.g. copy, telnet ...)

Look at the getif.log file in the getif directory, when problems occures. As i use the UCD-SNMP and the BIND resolver, their standard output and error output are redirected in this file during execution. This can help typically when you add mibs files from differents vendors.


Please send all your suggestions to Philippe Simonet (

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