Windows multimedia related resources

Freeware and Shareware 2005

  • Realtime recording Digital VCR Windows9x /NT freeware application - CamGuard with motion detection, accept DivX codec, easy detects events in live video stream . Video for Windows based (stable version accepting WDM capture drivers -soon) . Hardware nedded - simple WebCam or video capture board or video adpter with VIVO feature (VideoIn , VideoOut).
  • VinylCorder - order and pack your vinyl jukebox &CD. VinylCorder allows AutoTrack recordiing with compression (i.e mp3) Denoising and Declicking. Denoiser is very cool - just try ! Don't forget freeware limits - recording time & track count limit . Declick & Denoise cleans up only half of track0...track3. Shareware version You can expect October 2003.
  • Dictionary Glossum multilanguage, Polish-English-German.(text bases coming soon) - Windows 9x/NT/2000 , XP.
  • Optical Character Recognition - OCR open source project.
  • Php script sample - coming soon
  • Archives simple&fast relational database with build-in DBF3+ engine freeware example for Librarians and bookstore Libretto Windows3.x and Windows 9x compatible
  • Multiilanguage glossary with advanced spell-checker, based on simple RichText editor-coming soon;Polish-English-German. Windows 9x/NT/2000 compatible. Future plans - PocketPC/WindowsCE version.
  • simple relational database for PalmtopPC - PocketPC (Arm processor based machines)- coming soon (WindowsCE - Intel x86 extra purchase)
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